
Do You Consult With Wholesaler Distributors?

Did you know that there are over 100,000 wholesale distributors in North America whose needs are not met by mid-market solutions like ERP?

It’s true, and size of that market presents a huge opportunity if you as an ERP VAR are willing to ask one simple question to your clients and prospects.

Ask Them All This One Question

That question is – “Do you use your own vehicles to deliver or sell your products directly to your customers?”.

If they answer ‘Yes’, then there is a good chance these companies have really important business processes happening without any connection or visibility in ERP.

If They Answer ‘Yes’, We Can Provide Them A Lot Of Value

Depending on the size of the fleet and the volume of transactions, failure to connect these processes to ERP can be a barrier to growth and a drain on the bottom line.

If you would like to learn more about how you can help those clients (and how you as a referral partner can financially benefit too), please email us or call us at 847.416.2009.